Stuart Briscar | Discover Your Mental Potential

How to Crush Your Goals in 2024

Every year, millions of people try to set goals and fail miserably. But I am going to give you some tips to make it easier for you to reach your goals in 2024. 1. SMART GOALS I feel like everyone talks about SMART goals, but there’s a reason for that. It’s...

Why Leaders View Failure as a Chance to Learn and Grow

Failure is an inevitable part of life and it is especially prevalent in the business world. It is easy to become discouraged and see failure as the end, but true leaders never view it that way. Instead, they see it as an opportunity to learn and grow. In this post, we...

Key Differences Between a Manager and a Leader

The terms “manager” and “leader” are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same thing. While both play important roles in the success of an organization, there are significant differences between a manager and a leader. In this blog...